Mares and fillies

Sportin Life (Brimstone x Asallah Al Krush by Dharanad) x SA Apex (Ascendant x CH Fair Dawn by Flight Plan)
ADA SAREEAH 659279 g 2012
Dubloon CF (Lysander x Decibel by Dharanad) x Pirouette CF (Javera Thadrian x Piquante CF by Plantagenet)
Mares currently off the farm

PIROUETTE CF 491197 g 1991
Javera Thadrian (Thane x HB Diandra by Mariner) x Piquante CF (Plantagenet x Audacity by Lysander)
PETIT POINT CF 533606 g 1993
Javera Thadrian (Thane x HB Diandra by Mariner) x Recherche (Prince Hal x Lyras by Lysander)
Memoir UF (Janan Abinoam x Reminisce by Prince Hal) x Capucine (Capulet x Reminisce by Prince Hal)
ADA SELENE 645966 g 2009
Ascendant (Monsoon x Demetria by Lysander) x Petit Point CF (Javera Thadrian x Recherche by Prince Hal)
Stallions and colts
PALISADES CF 235294 c 1981 (deceased but available via frozen semen)
Plantagenet (Akmet Haffez x Iras by El Alamein) x Bint Ralf (Ralf x Alaska by Tripoli)
MOHICAN CF 600194 b 2000
Saranad (Dharanad x Saranah by Salan) x Bonne Terre CF (Dharanad x Taradiddle by Ibn Alamein)

PORTE CF 599922 g 2001
Portico (Dharanad x Portia by Tripoli) x Recherche (Prince Hal x Lyras by Lysander)
ANDRE LS 615832 g 2002
Zachary CF (Zacharia x Recherche by Prince Hal) x Aliah LD (HB Adrian x JAL Athena by Lysander)
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